Event information

  • Updated

Input event information

Group 167.png


1 Managing organization -sets the visibility of the event to an organization so that other admins in that organization can see the event. The preset design and layout of the event page are organization specific so this determines which layout is used and set languages. Remember to click save.
2 Languages. You can publish the event in multiple languages. When languages are added the content foeld for those languages are automatically added as is the language switcher to the event page. Remember to translate all the fields including the form and feedback fors (if used). You can ask more language options from our support.
3 Insert basic information about the event. Event name and starting time are compulsory.

You can insert venue of your event here. Google map view is automatically generated based on the address. You can pinpoint the marker manually on the map. 


Event description (what is the event about etc) should be inserted to the descripition editor. You can edit the text using the editor features (bold, make a link etc). You can also add pictures. Read more here.

If you import text from another software like MS Word notice that some text formatting might follow. This can be avoided by simply copy pasting the text first to Notepad or similar simple text editor to remove the formatting. This is good tip for all text importing in the internet


You can add tags (like keywords). They are usend only for admin and system purposes. You can then use tags in search, filtering and sorting. Separate different tags by comma (,). Tags are mostly used in XML-feeds when importing upcoming events automatically to a homepage etc. By using tags you can filter events in the homepage for example so that training events are shown in trainings section etc. You can ask about your XML-feed from our support.

7 Event notes. Internal notes for you and your team (to all admins in the same organization). The notes are visible only here and only to admin users. Notice that if you upload a file or insert a link here it is not password  protected. The link and files are not publicly listed anywhere.


Event page tabs

This is a new feature in Eventilla. You can add tabs to our event page. You can read more information of them from here.

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