
  • Updated

Eventilla Mobile App is now updated for Android so it includes all the new features!

Please remember to update your app to the latest version.

You can download the Eventilla app iOS-version from the AppStore and Android version from Google Play.

Eventilla App is free to use, and you can log in with your Eventilla account.

Check in of an attendee can be done quickly and reliably by reading the QR-code from the ticket using Eventilla application. As many smartphones as you have so many scanners you have as well. The scanner is very reliable and easy to use. You have access to live information of attendees on your hand all the time.


Log in your app with your Eventilla username and password.


Choose an organisation.


After you have chosen an organisation, You can see a list of events under selected organization. Now pick an event you like and open it. You can also change the organisation that you chose in this view.


Here you can see information about your event. How many registrations you have in your event, and how many participants you have checked in. In this view you can also open a list of attendees.

5.  To start reading the tickets, press the red reader button at the bottom of the screen.

 You can also find entrants via name and check them in manually by opening the attendees information. 


Event settings you can name your device. After you have named your device all the tickets that you read with it, are easily personalised. You can also choose what information is shown in the reader when you read the ticket. Example, information on photographing permission can be shown in this stage.

System  is synchronising check-ins automatically, if you have an internet connection available.  But if you don’t have access to internet connection you can still use the application, just download the application and open the event before you arrive at the event area. You can scan tickets normally and synchronize data after internet connection is available.

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