
  • Updated



From the Registered -view, you can see all the confirmed, in progress and cancelled registrations, as well as the information about the attendee, attendance and ticket.

  • All the registrations, which are done from start to finish are collected in the Confirmed section. The registration has been successful and in the paid events the payment has been done.
  • All the registrations where the invoicing has been chosen, are collected in the In progress view. All the interrupted registrations are also here, for instance the attendee has progressed to the stage where he or she has already given the required information, but has for instance left the process incomplete at the payment stage.
  • If your event allows cancellations the cancelled registrations will be collected to the Cancelled section. If you hav chosen to show the "I am unable to attend" button, will the information collected by this be also visible here. Also the information of the registrants who go to the form and press cancel are collected here.

On the listing the summary of attendees information, name, email, ticket name, status and the timestamp of registration will be shown.


You can download all the information when ever you want to in the format you want to your ownt computer by clicking Excel or csv -buttons.


Click the Options button to choose what columns you want to show and if you want to show answers to multiple choice fields in as separate columns with sums on the header row.


With Mass functions, you can re-send a confirmation message , change the status, check-in and delete and anonymize registrations.


Filtering registration

This feature allows you to filter those who have registered for the event. Registrations can be filtered by status, ticket, or registration time period. Under the "Options" button, you can select what columns are displayed.

Group 178.png


The feature can be found in the event report under "Filter attendees".


Press the "Filter" button to open the function.


Choose what information you want to use to filter registrations.


Press the "OK" button to perform filtering.


After filtering, you can download the filtered registrations as an Excel file.

6 You can also perform mass actions for registrations.

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