Eventilla Surveys
Information about the tool
Eventilla Surveys is a new feature in Eventilla. To activate it please contact Eventilla sales team.
Eventilla Survey tool uses advanced logic in survey creation. Surveys consist of individual questions which can be used in multiple surveys so the same question can be re-used. Thus creating surveys is faster and result comparison between different surveys is possible.
Best practice is to save template surveys that you re-use again and again which is fast and convinient. You can also always create unique single use surveys and questions without using any templates.
Another advanced feature is the sharing of results in real-time website reports, where the necessary information can be found from the graphical display at a glance. You can create multiple different reports from same surveys and filter each report to their target group with essential results.
Surveys don't have to be bound to an event. It is possible to collect feedback in general without events.
Tool navigation
Default view and sidebar
Default view lists created surveys.
1 | You can find survey templates, question fields and a button to create a new survey from a sidebar. |
2 | You can hide or show list's columns |
3 | Clicking the name of the survey opens the editing view. |
4 | Survey filtering by organization, event or date. |
Surveys view and tabs
- Survey - Create, edit and delete questions. Survey settings and preview.
- Reports - Create reports from gathered data.
- Answers - Survey answers are listed here.
- Messaging - Survey sharing.
Creating a feedback survey
When creating a new query, it is advisable make use of a previously created template. This way you have the structure of survey set up which allows comparison of template questions with other surveys.
When using a template you are able to add new questions and edit template's questions' into unique versions into your new survey. However, these questions aren't comparable with template questions.
1 | Choose a template survey or create blank survey |
2 | Choose a name, description and languages for the survey. |
3 | Create a new survey. Created survey is shown in the surveys list. |
Creating questions
Start by opening a survey.
You can add fields by clicking Add -button.
You can add a field using a template or create a new one.
Enter a field name, description. Field is possible to set as required or voluntary. You can also keep the question hidden until a previous question by your choice is answered.
Hidden field function is useful when you want to ask something specific related to previous question. e.g. people attending in presence you might like to ask: "How easily did you get to the venue?" and people attending online: "How was the login in process on the used platform?".
When creating a new question which is not only bound into a specific event you should save it as a template question. In this way, the question is easily selectable to all upcoming events and result comparison is possible in the future.
Creating reports
You can create reports in Reports tab. New report button creates a report with default settings, which can be modified. You can hide fields which you don't want to show in report and change the order by dragging the field.
You can set a name for the report and allow download from settings.
A link to the report can be copied from right side of the page "Copy report link"
You can save multiple different reports from the same survey. You only have to rename the report, make necessary edits for the questions and save changes.
Sending a survey
You can send or schedule a feedback survey to be sent once the survey is published in Messaging tab.
- Message - Write a subject and a message. Below the message field you have a list of variables to use in the message.
- Recipients - You can filter by status, attendance or tickets to whom the survey is sent. You can also use previously created recipient lists.
- Settings - Choose a sender name and e-mail. You can also schedule the message here.
- Sending - This view shows summary of the message. You can also send a preview to desired email.
If the survey is not related to an event published in Eventilla, you can share the link to the survey in other ways.